Welcome to Wizland! There are four wizards living here. Their names are Leonard, Patrick, John and Stephen. Each of the wizards has a favourite fruit, a favourite colour and a pet.
- my name is Leonard. The one who likes cherries doesn't like black. to Stephen does not belong a wolf. To the one who likes strawberries does not have a bat.
- my name is Patrick. Leonard doesn't like cherries. to Leonard does not belong a cat. To the one who likes cherries does not have a cat.
- my name is John. Leonard doesn't like green. Stephen doesn't like cherries. Stephen doesn't like apples.
- my name is Patrick. I don't like apples. To the one who likes pinapples does not have a parrot. To the one who likes black does not have a cat.
- my name is Stephen. I don't like black. Patrick doesn't like black. to Leonard does not belong a wolf.
- my name is Leonard. I don't like yellow. John doesn't like strawberries. The one who likes apples doesn't like white.
- my name is Stephen. The one who likes strawberries doesn't like white. to Patrick does not belong a cat. To the one who likes green does not have a bat.
- my name is John. The one who likes strawberries doesn't like black. Patrick doesn't like cherries. To the one who likes yellow does not have a parrot.
- my name is Leonard. John doesn't like green. Patrick doesn't like white. To the one who likes green does not have a parrot.
- my name is Patrick. The one who likes cherries doesn't like yellow. to John does not belong a parrot. To the one who likes yellow does not have a wolf.
- my name is Leonard. To the one who likes pinapples does not have a wolf. Stephen doesn't like strawberries.
Do you know the solution already? Leonard likes apples. Leonard likes black. To Leonard belongs a parrot. Patrick likes strawberries. Patrick likes green. To Patrick belongs a wolf. John likes cherries. John likes white. To John belongs a bat. Stephen likes pinapples. Stephen likes yellow. To Stephen belongs a cat.