Welcome to Wizland! There are four wizards living here. Their names are Mark, Patrick, John and Leonard. Each of the wizards has a favourite colour, a favourite fruit and a pet.

- my name is Mark. To the one who likes yellow does not have an owl. to Patrick does not belong a dog. to Patrick does not belong a cat.

- my name is John. I don't like black. Mark doesn't like strawberries. To the one who likes green does not have a bat.

- my name is Leonard. Patrick doesn't like cherries. I don't like cherries. to Patrick does not belong a bat.

- my name is Mark. To the one who likes white does not have a bat. to Leonard does not belong a cat. To the one who likes black does not have an owl.

- my name is Patrick. To the one who likes pinapples does not have a cat. The one who likes green does not like cherries. to Mark does not belong a bat.

- my name is John. To the one who likes pinapples does not have an owl. To me does not belong a dog. To the one who likes strawberries does not have a dog.

- my name is Mark. To the one who likes yellow does not have a dog. Leonard doesn't like strawberries. Leonard doesn't like black.

- my name is Patrick. To the one who likes strawberries does not have a cat. John doesn't like white. John doesn't like apples.

- my name is John. To the one who likes strawberries does not have an owl. To the one who likes white does not have an owl.

Do you know the solution already? Mark likes black. Mark likes cherries. To Mark belongs a cat. Patrick likes green. Patrick likes apples. To Patrick belongs an owl. John likes yellow. John likes strawberries. To John belongs a bat. Leonard likes white. Leonard likes pinapples. To Leonard belongs a dog.
